8 February 2018

How to choose the ideal hiking boots

Tips that, if you follow, you will have comfort and safety “at your feet”: Safety and comfort come first, only then we can talk about design, […]
25 October 2017

How we read hiking trail markers on tourist routes

We thought that, before talking about trails, hiking or climbing, it would be good to talk about some elementary but absolutely necessary things, namely, tourist markings. […]
1 September 2017

6 free apps that we always take with us

Apps have become a necessity and can make any hiking more beautiful by sometimes relieving us from some great headaches. So, no matter how anti-technology you […]
25 August 2017

The Trovanti Museum: a leap in time of 6.5 million years

For many people, they are mysterious in terms of their spherical, ellipsoidal shapes and dimensions that start from just a few centimeters and reach up to […]